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  • There are mainly 12 kinds of structure combination of waste plastic crushing cleaning line Release time:2020-04-30

    Waste plastic broken cleaning line mainly has 12 kinds of structure combination, what is it?Quick click in to understand it, perhaps you do not know the knowledge oh, dongguan huada machinery co., LTD. 's waste plastic cleaning line is our hot-selling products, then it a cleaning line which several parts of it?Below small make up to take you to understand

  • The two-shaft shredder USES lubrication to extend its life Release time:2020-04-30

    Two-axis shredding machine in the mechanical industry is used more of a product, the more used, the greater the wear, but as long as learn to reasonably maintain the two-axis shredding machine, it can appropriately extend the life of the machine.Below small make up to explain how to use lubrication to extend life

  • Do you know the 5 causes of oil leakage and 4 solutions of belt conveyor? Release time:2020-04-30

    The most common failure of belt conveyor, do you know what it is?Oil leakage and high oil temperature;Gaberta xiaobian in this aspect is also quite a research, here to show the two aspects of the reasons and solutions to share with you, you can take a notebook oh

  • Three big shredding machine has 4 kinds of industry precision called, the benefit is not to be under Release time:2020-04-30

    Dongguan huada machinery co., ltd. is an environmental protection technology company with more than 20 years of experience, focusing on solid waste treatment equipment and solid waste treatment solutions. From the product design and development, to the finished product manufacturing every link, there is the verification of the company's progress. We are professional, honest, peaceful and sustainab

  • Anti - epidemic preparation victory, shredding machine also ushered in the spring! Release time:2020-04-30

    Dongguan huada machinery co., ltd. is an environmental protection technology company with more than 20 years of experience, focusing on solid waste treatment equipment and solid waste treatment solutions. From the product design and development, to the finished product manufacturing every link, there is the verification of the company's progress. We are professional, honest, peaceful and sustainab

  • How to operate a two-shaft shredder in 2020 to produce higher power values? Release time:2020-04-30

    Dongguan huada machinery co., ltd. is an environmental protection technology company with more than 20 years of experience, focusing on solid waste treatment equipment and solid waste treatment solutions. From the product design and development, to the finished product manufacturing every link, there is the verification of the company's progress. We are professional, honest, peaceful and sustainab

  • Congratulations to dongguan huada machinery co., LTD. Release time:2020-04-30

    Dongguan huada machinery co., ltd. is an environmental protection technology company with more than 20 years of experience, focusing on solid waste treatment equipment and solid waste treatment solutions. From the product design and development, to the finished product manufacturing every link, there is the verification of the company's progress. We are professional, honest, peaceful and sustainab

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